如何使用 Wagtail 鉤子在 Wagtail 中生成自定義鏈接 (How to generate a custom link in Wagtail using Wagtail hooks)


如何使用 Wagtail 鉤子在 Wagtail 中生成自定義鏈接 (How to generate a custom link in Wagtail using Wagtail hooks)

所以我想在 Wagtail 管理員中添加一個額外的鏈接。我正在關注文檔(註冊管理員Menu Item Hook) 並使用這個鉤子來構建一個新的菜單項。


def register_edit_menu_item():
    return MenuItem('Edit profile', 'edit_link', classnames='icon icon‑folder‑inverse', order=10000)


{% with request.user.owned_pages.all as pages %}
   {% if pages.exists %}
      {% for p in pages %}
         {% if p.get_parent.id == 17 %}
         <a class="list‑group‑item" href="/dashboard/pages/{{ p.id }}/edit/"><i class="fe‑icon‑edit mr‑1 text‑muted"></i>Edit profile</a>
         {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
   {% endif %}
{% endwith %}




方法 1:

The default implementation of MenuItem assumes that the URL will be constant over all page requests, meaning that we can pass that fixed URL to the MenuItem constructor inside the register_admin_menu_item hook (that runs on server startup).

In your case, this isn't true, so you'll need to define a custom subclass of MenuItem. If you look at the code for MenuItem, you'll see that it implements a get_context(self, request) method to gather all the template variables it needs to render the menu item, including url. You can override this method to set a dynamic URL in place of the fixed one:

class EditProfileMenuItem(MenuItem):
    def get_context(self, request):
        context = super().get_context(request)

        edit_link = None
        if request.user.owned_pages.exists():
           for p in request.user.owned_pages.all():
              if p.get_parent().id == 17:
                 edit_link = "/dashboard/pages/" + p.id + "/edit/"

        if edit_link:
            context['url'] = edit_link

        return context

You can then use this subclass in the register_admin_menu_item hook, in place of MenuItem:

def register_edit_menu_item():
    return EditProfileMenuItem('Edit profile', 'edit_link', classnames='icon icon‑folder‑inverse', order=10000)

(Depending on your requirements you may want to override the is_shown method too, so that the menu item is hidden from those users who don't have a profile.)

(by Raf Rasenberggasman)


  1. How to generate a custom link in Wagtail using Wagtail hooks (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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